Here are some tips to keep in mind when walking outside to keep good posture and keep your joints healthy.
– Keep your head held high and chin parallel to the ground.
– Back long and tall to maintain good posture, no slouching or rounding your shoulders.
– Proper footwear while walking.
-Elbows slightly bent at your side and swinging naturally with the movement of your body.
-Pelvis tucked under your torso.
-Change the direction of your walks each time you leave your home. Roads are cambered which can lead to having one hip low/high if you follow the same route each time.
-Remember to breath, keep shoulders relaxed, hands relaxed with an open palm and ensure your jaw is relaxed.
-Engage core by bringing belly button to spine.
-Engage your glutei (buttocks) muscles with each step-when leg is extended (backwards).
-Walk with purpose, heal-toe, heal-toe.
-Stay hydrated.
-Stretching after a walk.
Happy healthy walking.