What is Osteopathy? Who Needs it, and Why.
By considering both structure and
function, osteopathic care provides natural, comprehensive health benefits for all ages
and activity levels.
Kitchener-Waterloo Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic
First Time Getting A Massage, Reflexology Treatment or Osteopathy? Read the basics below!
Massage Therapy is a therapeutic treatment which involves the assessment of the soft tissue (muscles) and joints (eg.knee) in the human body.
Through the manipulation and varying Swedish Massage therapy techniques RMT’s provide treatment, and prevent physical dysfunction and pain in the soft tissue and joints. Therapeutic massage treatments will help maintain, rehabilitate, increase physical function and relieve pain.
Your massage therapist will assess your condition during your massage therapy appointment and provide the appropriate treatment for your goals and your needs. RMT’s who have additional training in cupping, hot stone, reiki, acupuncture or craniosacral therapy; they may add these techniques into your massage session.
Massage Therapy helps many aliments, injuries and conditions such as:
Book your first appointment with ease!
Massage Therapist’s are required by the CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario) to ask each client for a detailed health history from, which is required prior to your first treatment. At Savannah Massage Therapy Clinic, we provide the health history forms online. We ask that you fill them out prior to your initial visit. The therapist will complete a full assessment at which time they will recommend a treatment plan to assist in your recovery.
NOTE: If you create an account for online booking, you may fill out all necessary paper work online.
If you’re unsure how long of an appointment to book see our general guideline:
First Treatment:
General Relaxation Treatment:
One Area Focus (i.e neck):
Children Under 12yrs Old:
Feel Better In Mind, Body & Soul
Massage Therapy Treatments alleviate tension and strains placed on our bodies from every-day activities, such as sitting for prolonged periods or being physically active.
Massage Therapy Treatments are able to realign and reduce strains of the muscles, tendons, and fascia by properly manipulating your soft tissues.
Muscle Soreness Is Common
Often times, you may experience muscle soreness (delayed onset muscle soreness). This will usually only last about 24-48 hours. The tips mentioned here will alleviate any soreness from your massage treatment.
After your treatment, your therapist will tell you to drink extra water, use a heating pad, ice packs, take a Epsom salt bath or do light stretching post massage.
These tips will complement and add too your massage treatment.
There are treatments designed for many different pathologies, but essentially MLD is helping the body recover faster by stimulating lymph flow and drainage mechanisms.
The lymphatic system is a drainage and transport system consisting of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. Main function of the lymphatic system involves the transport and disposal of “waste material” from tissues into the bloodstream. This means removal of proteins, fat, cellular components and water, chemical, organic and inorganic cell products as well as cellular residues and foreign organisms like viruses and bacteria.
Through the pumping and stretching effect of the lymph vessels, MLD makes lymph flow faster and stimulates the formation of the new connections between lymph vessels.
Manual Lymph Drainage helps many aliments, injuries and conditions such as:
Naturopathy, also known as Naturopathic Medicine, is like nature’s healthcare superpower. It’s the best of both worlds, combining traditional healing methods with up-to-date modern medical science. If you are looking for a model of healthcare that addresses the root cause of your health issue or are wanting to prevent disease, the answer is naturopathic medicine.
The differences between Naturopathic Doctors and conventional family doctors is the philosophical approach to health and the therapies used. Your family doctor is trained to address and treat the symptoms of disease using pharmaceuticals and/ or surgery. Naturopathic doctors seek to find and treat the cause of the disease. Naturopathic doctors believe that the body is capable of healing itself when given the proper elements needed for physical, environmental, and emotional health.
Naturopathy helps many aliments, injuries and conditions such as:
Osteopaths are manual practitioners working to asses and identify the regions of the body which are causing biomechanical restrictions or blockages. Often the range of motion of joints can become limited through injury, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle and/or repetitive strain. Using a variety of osteopathic techniques such as Muscle Energy techniques, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Joint Mobilization, Myofascial mobilization and Visceral manipulation is a quick, easy and harmless way to correct the imbalance, allowing the body to function at an optimal level.
Osteopathic philosophy embraces the concept that the human body has the natural ability to heal itself.
During your osteopathy appointment, it is made a priority to educate patients that osteopathic treatment involves assessing, treating the identified issues, and then allowing the body to respond to the treatment. People from all walks of life can benefit from osteopathy, from babies and children to seniors.
Osteopath helps many aliments, injuries and conditions such as:
Reflexology is a non-invasive health care modality derived from the study that there are reflexes in the body which connect to the glands and organs of the body-the body has the ability to heal itself. When the human body is under a state of “imbalance” bought on by stress, illness, injury or disease, vital system in the body can be blocked and will prevent optimal functionality in the human body.
A reflexologist applies pressure to reflex areas where nerve endings and blood capillaries exist in each foot/hand therefore kickstarting the body’s inborn healing mechanisms.
Each session is a hour long and will be focused just on your feet, this is different to booking a hour session for massage therapy which the RMT will incorporate more of a full body or multiple areas of the body (neck, back and shoulders).
Reflexology helps many aliments, injuries and conditions such as:
Pregnancy or Perinatal Massage (commonly referred to as Prenatal Massage) seems to be misunderstood and has led some people to believe that massage therapy can help with conceiving. Unfortunately, this is not true. We will refer to pregnancy massage as perinatal, which is the period when you become pregnant and up to a year after giving birth.
Perinatal Massage is safe for clients who are expecting the same massage therapy techniques that are used during the treatments for non-expecting clients, however, there are some techniques that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Techniques which increase pressure on joints is not recommended for pregnant woman, as your ligaments are looser due to the hormone relaxion.
Perinatal Massage helps many aliments, injuries and conditions such as:
We’re very proud to be one of the most trusted and well reviewed Kitchener-Waterloo Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinics!
Read our Client Testimonials Below To See How Other’s Have Enjoyed Our Clinic and Treatments.
You can book your appointments online easily with the button below.
Enjoy the Benefits of Booking with us:
By considering both structure and
function, osteopathic care provides natural, comprehensive health benefits for all ages
and activity levels.
By considering both structure and
function, osteopathic care provides natural, comprehensive health benefits for all ages
and activity levels.
“I spent a significant amount of time, researching names, throwing out ideas to friends and family, before settling on Savannah Massage Therapy and Wellness clinic.”
“The lymph system has a few different sections throughout it known as lymph nodes which are like little pockets through which lymphatic fluid travels back to the bloodstream.”
“The cliche saying “less is more” yup, that’s right, if you try to carry ALL the mulch in one load, you are risking lower back discomfort. It’s better to split up the loads, yes, it may mean back and forth a few times; but it’s just burning more calories. The lighter the loads the less likely you will overdo it and strain a muscle or two.”
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REMINDER: Masks need to be worn to your massage appointments, and must be worn throughout your visit to the clinic.
Please wash or sanitize your hands upon arriving at the clinic, as well as after your treatment.
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Clinic Staff.
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