Lipoma vs. Lymphoma vs. Lymphatic Drainage vs. Lymphedema: A Breakdown of the ‘L’ Words
We (Biljana only) offer Lymphathic Drainage treatment at our clinic which is an effective treatment for a number of conditions and symptoms but there seems
Healthy Habits For Your Body, Tips & More
We (Biljana only) offer Lymphathic Drainage treatment at our clinic which is an effective treatment for a number of conditions and symptoms but there seems
This blog covers when a massage is contraindicated: meaning it’s inappropriate for the situation and potentially unsafe to the client and the risks of massage outweighs the benefits.
Depression is the most common mental illness; it is also the most treatable. Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and dysthymia are 3 major types of depression and while symptoms of each may be similar, treatment may vary for each type.
Sciatica pain most commonly occurs when there is an underlying condition present, a herniated disk or bone spur, spinal stenosis (narrowing of your spine). Anything that compresses the nerve and leads to inflammation/pain.
“Change the direction of your walks each time you leave your home. Roads are cambered which can lead to having one hip low/high if you follow the same route each time.”
“Like any other joint in the body, it has a joint capsule that is filled with synovial fluid. It is the most used joint in the body. It is quite resilient in structure and can take a lot of pressure, but it can also be overused.”
“99% of the time people with a concussion appear to be “normal” and healthy. This is not the case, concussions are/ can be frustrating and complicated injuries, sometimes they can take weeks to even years to recover from.”
“Your massage therapist will first do an assessment to see which structures are shortened/tight versus stretched/weak. The goal of massage treatment is to breakdown any adhesions within the fascia or muscles to alleviate tension and pain. “
“The cliche saying “less is more” yup, that’s right, if you try to carry ALL the mulch in one load, you are risking lower back discomfort. It’s better to split up the loads, yes, it may mean back and forth a few times; but it’s just burning more calories. The lighter the loads the less likely you will overdo it and strain a muscle or two.”
“The lymph system has a few different sections throughout it known as lymph nodes which are like little pockets through which lymphatic fluid travels back to the bloodstream.”
Whether you are new to massage in general, or just new to us, we hope the information provided above helps answer any question's you may have.
If you haven't found an answer to your question, check out some other posts below!
“Savannah Massage therapy and wellness clinic is looking for a new addition to join our growing massage and wellness clinic.”
“👉Using the edge of your countertop can be useful to help with the forearm muscles. This is very similar to a technique known as Graston.”
Know these things before accepting a job at a clinic as a RMT or other professional.
Osteopathy can treat
numerous ailments such as acute and chronic pain, tendinitis, heart burn,
headaches, sciatica, digestive issues, back pain, neck pain, swelling,
posture and more.
If you haven’t found the answer you’re looking for, see if it’s been answered on our FAQ page. Alternatively, if you’re ready to Book an Appointment you can do so now!
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REMINDER: Masks need to be worn to your massage appointments, and must be worn throughout your visit to the clinic.
Please wash or sanitize your hands upon arriving at the clinic, as well as after your treatment.
Thank you,
Clinic Staff.