Did you know that children can get a massage and they absolutely can benefit from a massage therapy treatment?
We often forget the demands that children have on themselves, they too carry around a fair amount of stress and suffer from anxiety, due to school or sporting activities.
Contributing factors to their aches and pains and need for massages could be:
Poor posture
Heavy bags (school or sports)
Past sports injuries
Demanding sports schedules
Lack of stretching post exercise
Growing pains (knees)
Hours in front of computer consoles or phones
Kids are covered under their parents health care plans, we would recommend children come in for a 30-45 minute massage session. If they feel more comfortable they are more than welcome to bring a pair of shorts and or tank top to wear during their massages.
If you would like to book your child in for a massage therapy appointment, feel free to contact the clinic for more information or any questions you may have.