Concussions are difficult to understand when you have never experienced one yourself. If you see someone with a broken arm or leg it will be cast or they may be using crutches or in a wheelchair… general signs that let us know someone is injured. 99% of the time people with a concussion appear to be “normal” and healthy. This is not the case, concussions are/ can be frustrating and complicated injuries, sometimes they can take weeks to even years to recover from. In some instances, there will be lingering symptoms that may never go away.
You can now find practitioners who are able to do baseline testing for people in sports teams/activities that could be at risk of a head injury. Having a baseline gives the practitioner a goal/ level to work towards when trying to get you back to your sporting activities.
To find a provider if your area click the link: https://www.shiftconcussion.ca/providers
Some signs and symptoms can be:
- Vomiting
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Vertigo
- Concussion
- Amnesia
- Ringing in the ears
Things to avoid if you suspect a head injury:
- NO screen time (ie. cellphone, iPads, television,movie theatre)
- No physical activity until cleared by doctor
- Don’t drive yourself
- Avoid loud music
- Bright lights/outdoors
- Public places (the sounds and motions will be too much for your brain)
Things you should do to help heal:
- Rest
- Supplements or foods rich in Omega 3 oils
- Ice pack for the injured side of the head
- Moderate heating pad on the neck muscles
- Massage therapy/ Physiotherapy/ Acupuncture or Osteopath treatments.
If you would like to understand how someone may feel with a concussion, I highly recommend watching this video https://youtu.be/zCCD52Pty4A.
PLEASE remember that just because someone looks fine, their brain is “bruised”.